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Shima Aghaaminiha

Regina, SK

Booth U17


Shima Aghaaminiha is a visual artist, art educator and communicator. Her art practice extends to performance and installation. She earned her BFA in handicrafts from the Tehran University of Art and an MFA in visual arts from the University of Regina. Aghaaminiha was born and raised in Iran, and Islamic theocracy and religious tyranny inform her work. Her works include the different aspects of living under the suppressive system, from being brainwashed to becoming martyrs and leading resistance movements. She uses a metaphorical visual language deeply connected to Persian culture and literature. In her last exhibition, “Does Liberty Still Taste Like Blood Everywhere?” She expresses emotions influenced by the recent revolution in Iran and presents a deliberate prompt to recall a neglected viewpoint regarding liberty. Through her artworks, she uses ceramic installations to convey heartfelt feelings and narrate tragic stories unfolding within Iran's borders.

